The low share of unemployed persons with disabilities and the unfavorable qualification structure in the open labor market, unfortunately, is extremely present in Croatia. The result is long-term unemployment of people with disabilities, which ultimately causes economic dependence on family and loved ones, and very often, social exclusion in society.
The Association of Persons with Disabilities from Krizevci, not only gathers and provides professional support to hard-to-employ people on the open market, but has also taken great steps to solve this challenge. Since 2013 in the social enterprise Hedona d.o.o. from Krizevci, people with disabilities are employed and they equalize their economic and social status in society.
High school “Ivan Seljanec” periodically educates a dozen students in a special class for the profession of Assistant Chef and Confectioner. Considering this fact, the Association of Persons with Disabilities founded the company Hedona and determined the production niche and market sector. It couldn’t have been sweeter!
Our employees are equal members of Hedona’s team.
Love, kindeness and chocolate!