World Chocolate Day celebrates the arrival of chocolate in Europe in 1550. Long before this time, chocolate was present in parts of the world, parts of South and Central America, and Mexico.
The Aztecs believed that cocoa beans were a gift from Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom, and the seeds were once so valuable that they were used as a form of currency. Originally prepared only as a drink, chocolate was served as a bitter liquid, mixed with spices or corn puree. It was believed to be an aphrodisiac and to give strength.
Today, such drinks are also known as “Chilate”, and are produced by locals in southern Mexico.
It was discovered by foreign invaders and so this beverage traveled to many other countries of the world. It became a favorite of the people all around. In 1519, the Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés was allegedly served a chocolate-based beverage called ‘Xocolātl’ by the Aztec emperor Montezuma. The researcher took the beverage with him to Spain and added vanilla, sugar and cinnamon to improve the taste. The drink gained popularity in England and France in the 1600s after the Spanish invasion.
Edible, solid chocolates were not created until the 1800s. Gradually, many chocolate-based dishes began to take shape around the world and various delicacies began to appear.
It is a common belief that chocolate gets you fat and not healthy.
However, that can be attributed to the way of production and processing of most chocolate producers, in the competition for the cake market, so who is sweeter.
Conscious and moderate consumption of chocolate can help your body and brain with a number of health functions. Dark chocolate that contains at least 85% cocoa and only 15% sugar (or sugar alternatives) is considered excellent for our health. Chocolates act as natural mood boosters. They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, phytochemicals called flavonoids, stimulants called theobromine, which can help with immunity, heart health, cough, strengthening memory and brain function.
Moreover, consuming dark chocolate two or three times a week, in moderation, can help you control weight, stop cravings for sugar, and aid digestion.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]