Chocolate doesn’t have to be sweet and can be healthy. It has been proven to us by an innovative team of technologists from our Hedona chocolateria. Due to difficult business conditions and production, caused by unfavorable epidemiological picture in the world and in our country, our employees still managed to produce a new on our market, healthy chocolate Corina Gold. The polyphenols, which are present in Corina Gold functional chocolate, originate from red grape seeds, with a purity of at least 90% polyphenols. Plant compounds polyphenols have strong antioxidant activity. In the human diet, they are most concentrated in fruits, vegetables, wine, tea and cocoa. Scientific research shows that due to their specific biological activity, they protect the heart, blood vessels and the immune system, and influence the prevention of chronic inflammatory diseases, cancer and the aging process.
Take advantage of all the benefits of polyphenols, enjoying Corina Gold chocolate with a luxurious taste and consuming polyphenols in CardioPlus capsules, as a dietary supplement.
CardioPlus – capsules are a dietary supplement that preserves the health of the vascular system
The capsule contains: 300 mg of polyphenols (MegaNatural®BP) obtained by extraction from grape seeds, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin E.
A few facts:
✔️MegaNatural®BP is an exclusive product of Polyphenolics® – a unique grape seed extract whose structure, processing, production and use are protected by patents.
✔️MegaNatural®BP is an extremely strong natural antioxidant, very effective in reducing oxidative stress through the elimination of free radicals from the body.
Only MegaNatural®BP has been clinically proven to maintain normal blood pressure and circulation in patients with hypertension.
✔️FDA has granted MegaNatural®BP GRAS status (Generally recognized as safe to use) and allowed its addition to food and beverages.
✔️MegaNatural®BP meets strict vegetarian, vegan (packaged in veggie capsules), Halal and Kosher standards.
✔️Consuming MegaNatural®BP preserves and improves the functions of the cardiovascular, central nervous and digestive systems.
✔️Adding vitamin E or C increases the effectiveness of MegaNatural®BP.
✔️Numerous clinical studies on patients of both sexes with initial hypertension and / or metabolic syndrome have unequivocally proven that MegaNatural®BP lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure!
✔️MegaNatural therapy has proven to be extremely stable; longer consumption – better effect!
✔️Consumptionof MegaNatural®BP is proved to be safe – no matter the length of time there were no side effects!
✔️The strategy of health organizations is to prevent the development of heart disease and metabolic syndrome (groups of metabolic disorders manifested as insulin resistance, accumulation of fat in the abdomen – abdominal or central obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure) through antioxidant supplements (polyphenols) healthy diet.
✔️MegaNatural®BP is effective and helps the body’s natural defenses against a range of chronic aging-related diseases.